From now until December 31, donations to the Tor Project will be matched one-to-one, up to $75,000!
這可能昰由於社群的捐款。 如果您重視 Tor 為自己和他人提供的隱私,請立即捐款。 您將確保 Tor 繼續為每個需要的人提供線上隱私。
安卓版洋蔥路由瀏覽器與Orbot都是很棒的軟體,但它們的功能取向並不相同。 安卓版洋蔥路由瀏覽器類似於電腦版的洋蔥路由瀏覽器,但它是專為您的行動運算裝置設計的,可以讓您直接透過洋蔥路由網路來上網的瀏覽器,並且它會盡可能的保護您的匿名性。 Orbot on the other hand is a proxy that will enable you to send the data from your other applications (E-Mail clients, instant messaging apps, etc.) through the Tor network; a version of Orbot is also inside of Tor Browser for Android, and is what enables it to connect to the Tor network. That version, however, does not enable you to send other apps outside of Tor Browser for Android through it. 因此這完全取決於您的使用需求,不論事單獨使用或兩者一起用都是不錯的選擇。